Testing Services:
Globalization & Localization Testing: |
Globalization testing enables a product to be used without language or culture barriers and localization
testing is used to translate and enable the product for a specific local.
Localization testing should include basic functionality tests such as setup, upgrade, and uninstall tests,
application and hardware compatibility tests and the localized version of the operating system.
Globalization (I18N) Services
- Sufficiency testing -International character encoding methods
- Functionality Testing
- Linguistic Testing
- Test international coding standards during development process
Localization (L10N) test services
- Post localization
- Readiness testing for local markets
- Script-based Testing
- Exploratory Testing
- Functional verification Testing
- User Interface – Verification & Validation
- Multi - Platform Multi- operating system pre-deployment verification
- Translation verification testing
Localization testing is highly beneficial to use, and is in fact is used in many areas. For example, UI, culture/
locale-specific, language-specific and Region specific areas. It can also be used for basic functionality tests to
setup and upgrade tests run and to plan application and hardware compatibility tests. The latter can be done
according to the product's target region. Verification of linguistic accuracy and resource attributes, the checking
of typographical errors and that printed documents and online help messages are consistent with each other can
also be done, ensuring a more competent system overall.